call us on +44 (0) 1903 714140

Please feel free to contact us on +44 (0) 1903 714140 for any questions about our products.

Alternatively you can email or fax +44 (0) 1903 717435.

7/0.2mm (3 Core) Silicon Rubber Insulated

PT100 3 wire tin plated copper 7/0.2mm FEP (Flourinated Ethylene Propylene) with tin plated coppe...

price per metre £3.58 + VAT

19/0.1mm (4 Core) Silicon Rubber Insulated

PT100 4 wire tin plated copper 19/0.1mm FEP (Flourinated Ethylene Propylene) with tin plated copp...

price per metre £3.98 + VAT

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